Maximize the Chances of Success for You and Your Children

success, optimism, realism, realistic optimist

Virtually everyone wants to enjoy happiness and success.  Today, achieving those goals is challenging.  Fears, economic pressures, relationship difficulties, job and school stress, as well as changing conditions keep getting in the way.

Yet, it is definitely possible for both adults and children to succeed in today’s world.  Research finds that important keys include how we view ourselves and our world as well as our expectations for the future.  To make it at any time, but especially in tough times, we must balance two important qualities.

A business giant helps uncover the first key to success

Business professionals have heard for years about the importance of a positive mental attitude. You need to know why.

Woman with box of belongingsBusiness journal Forbes reports that in the 1980s insurance giant MetLife hired 5,000 new sales reps annually and spent $150,000 on each over two years to help them succeed.  Nevertheless, 50% quit in the first year.  Four out of five were gone within 4 years.  The rigors and disappointments of trying to sell life insurance on straight commission took a tremendous toll on sales representatives – and the company itself.

Met leadership hired Dr. Martin Seligman, former President of the American Psychological Association, to study the factors that determined agents’ success or failure. His research found that how agents viewed the discouraging trials they faced daily made a major difference.

Seligman’s research revealed that new salespeople who passed MetLife’s sales aptitude test AND scored high in optimism outsold pessimists who passed the aptitude test by:

  • 8% in the first year
  • 31% in the second year

Impressed MetLife managers bent their rules and followed Seligman’s recommendation to hire new salespeople who scored high on optimism but fell just short of passing MetLife’s aptitude test.  They tested these “Super-Optimists” against pessimistic new agents who had passed the aptitude test.  Here are the results:

  • Super-Optimists outsold more qualified pessimists by 21% in year one.
  • Super-Optimists outsold more qualified pessimists by 57% in year two.

Optimists can not only keep going through difficult terrain, but studies show they spot opportunities that pessimists miss.  Social psychologist Heidi Grant Halvorson wrote in Harvard Business Review:

Albert Bandura, one of the founding fathers of scientific psychology, discovered decades ago that perhaps the best predictor of an individual’s success is whether or not they believe they will succeed. Thousands and thousands of experiments later, he has yet to be proven wrong.

 Success Key #2:  Realism

To truly help people achieve their goals, optimism must be tempered with realism.  Continuing to pour money into a losing investment will not turn it into a winner.  Putting a bright coat of paint and a new roof on a rotting house will not make it a lasting home.

Harvard Business Review’s “Be an Optimist Without Being a Fool” shows the benefits of realistic optimism through a study by psychologist Gabriele Oettingen.  This researcher asked obese Weight loss concept.women in a weight loss program how confident they were that they would reach their weight goal despite temptations.  As expected, those who believed they would succeed lost 26 more pounds than those who didn’t.

Oettingen also asked those women how hard they believed losing weight would be.  Those who recognized the difficult challenges ahead, but were still confident of success, lost 24 pounds more than those who thought shedding excess weight would be easy.

A strong belief that things will turn out well can power you through difficult terrain – or drive you into a ditch.  A realistic view can help you recognize and move towards genuine opportunities while avoiding the wrong road.  How can you successfully cultivate both?

Recognizing the truth about yourself and your surroundings

Before you can fearlessly and accurately assess yourself, you must first recognize this important fact:  human beings have tremendous intrinsic value.  The human brain is the most complex thing and represents the highest technology in the material universe.  However, we each have obvious strengths and weaknesses.  Psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Amen reports than in conducting more than 30,000 brain scans, he has never found a perfectly functioning brain.

There is therefore no shame in recognizing that while we do well in some areas, we inevitably fall short in others.  Wisdom allows us to frankly assess and maximize our strengths.  At the same time, our realistic view permits us to courageously recognize our shortcomings and work to upgrade areas that will bring the greatest benefit.

Additionally, a realistic view can help us see the challenges we face in our environment.  Setting realistic goals and recognizing things that could get in the way of our success can help us immeasurably.  Great football coaches put together game plans based on their opponents’ strengths and weaknesses – and then frankly recognize what’s working and what isn’t to make successful game-time adjustments.  Doing that well often wins Super Bowls.

Optimism balanced by realism can prove a tremendous asset during challenging times like ours.  How can we successfully cultivate optimism when many disappointments and difficulties force themselves into view?  The next article will consider what years of research have revealed.

 Business people showing unity


About Larry Rondeau, Managing Editor

Larry Rondeau, Managing Editor at LookYounger.News, is a medical and science writer who is highly experienced in writing about facial rejuvenation procedures, psychology and business. He was mentored by renowned social psychologist, researcher and author Dr. Robert Cialdini, who praised him for his "depth of insight." SUNY Lecturer Peter Pociluyko spoke of Larry's "deep understanding and comprehension of the concepts of social psychology." Larry won 4 national awards while at The Allied Group, where he served as Senior Director of Business Development and later Senior Director of Research and Content Development. ( read more )

Articles by Larry Rondeau, Managing Editor

Assuring Success if You or Your Child Didn’t Get Into Your 1st College Choice

Many believe college choice is crucial to success. Could another factor make a real difference for good students who didn’t get into a top-tier university? What good options can help high school graduates earn a good living without carrying heavy student loan debt? [Read More]

Improving your Appearance – Could it Improve your Income?

Everyone knows that people who look better are treated better. Research by economists shows they’re paid better, too. How much more? Do looks effect sales performance? [Read More]

Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Surgery: Who Can Best Help You to Look Younger?

Thinking of plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery or a nonsurgical cosmetic procedure to look younger? An expert New York plastic surgeon tells who’s in the best position to give you great results. [Read More]

Eliminate Everyday Stress and Negative Emotions in Minutes

Neurology research has revealed a technique that makes it easier to cope with stress, irritation, disappointment and the difficult people we meet everyday. [Read More]

Influence: People First Judge Your Competence by Your Face

Do others first judge your ability to do the job by the condition of your face? Research finds they do. [Read More]

Help in Coping with Disasters – Part 2: Tools to Aid in Recovery

Coping with disasters like the California wildfires as well as Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria isn’t easy. What additional tools can help people to cope with any disaster? [Read More]

Help in Coping with Disasters – Part One

Natural disasters like Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma affect millions annually. Are there tools that can help victims cope with devastating losses? [Read More]

First Impressions: Could an Aging, Less Attractive Face Send the Wrong Message?

Research shows that those with aging faces may suffer the same unfair disadvantage in business that unattractive people encounter. Beauty may be only skin deep, but it brings substantial business advantages. [Read More]

How Much Does Your Appearance Matter?

Everyone knows that appearance makes a difference. Years of research shows just how much attractiveness affects income, career advancement, sales and vital first impressions. [Read More]

The Remarkable Rewards of Kindness

Research dispels the selfishness myth and reveals the outstanding benefits of paying it forward. [Read More]